Feeling Content
I am thankful to be lucky enough to enjoy perfect weather year round (without earthquakes, tornadoes or sweltering beastly heat).
It's a glorious Saturday morning here in AZ!!! Nice cool sweater wearing kind of morning and enjoying a hot java cup. Life can't get any better than this for me...I feel content.
Earlier this week I made a similar tag banner like the above, but gave it away to my BFF. I was determined to make one for myself though, and using the leftover supplies from the first one...
BTW...my Sis is stopping by today, and I have a strong feeling that it will be going home with her!
I am currently working on a Rustic Potato Chip Scarf while watching TV in the evenings...of course PINK. I can't wait to finish it to see it all done, since this is my first one ever.
Hope you have had a fabulous week!
Best wishes,
Natasha in Oz