I would like to share some of my favorite Christmas ornaments that I've collected and some that have been given to us over the years.
Many years ago I planned on decorating our tree with only decorations that relate to our lives...
The above ornament is from Radio City Hall from one Christmas spent in NYC! The show was amazing!!!

My Fiesta Ware pitcher from Macy's in NYC. See the silver glitter star...that's Hubby's from school!!! Sweet!

My most precious ornament of all...my Martini glass!!!

I love Cracker Barrel's ornaments! My Hubby loves birdwatching and can name just about every bird!!! So we have several bird ornaments...

another birdie...

I love this clear glass bird from Cracker Barrel...

My "O" from Karen...so yummy it makes me want to lick some of the icing!!!

Let it snow...

I love Americana...this one is a new one!

Naughty or Nice???

Believe it or not we have Cardinals here in the Valley. I just love Cardinals!

Another new one for this year...

Let Heaven and Nature Sing...

A Rooster!!! from my friend Karen!!!

This glass ornament came from Natalie. We did a cookie swap this year. She made the most chocolaty and moist cookies called Cottage Cheese cookies. Most people went "yuck", but those who tasted them went "Yummy"!

Santa Baby...
The middle Santa with Bell ornament came from my Secret Santa at work - Peggy! I was her Secret Santa too! We were good at keeping it a secret from each other!!!
These are just a few of my favorites...