Karen and I had a great time on our
Disneyland trip a couple of weekends ago. Christmas time at Disneyland is more beautiful than any other time of the year in my opinion...

Sorry for the blurry picture, but a tourist took it...I know I took better pictures of his family than he did...

Main Street at night....

Voight read the
Christmas Story during Disney's annual Candle Light Procession...

Nights are so beautiful and festive with all of the Christmas lights! After the Candlelight Procession, we were treated to stunning fireworks!!!

My favorite fairytale princess of all time...Cinderella!

Their Royal Highness: Mickey & Minnie

Santa's Reindeer...

I still believe...

Pooh is the sweetest!!!

My old time favorite Disney attraction...I love how they have it all decorated for Christmas!
When Holidays collide...Nightmare Before Christmas