More Rosemary & DIY Recycle

I have fallen in love with Bath & Body Works all over again.
I love their lotions and especially their candles.  I recently burned a Georgia Peach candle from them, and our home smell so good!!!  Georgia On My Mind was all I could think about and eating sweet juicy peaches while the candle burned.
I was smart enough not throwing away the empty glass jar and upcycled it for something useful.  At the time I couldn't think how I could use the jar for, but it came to me.  I liked the peachy color of the glass container and thought that adding some ribbon or lace would pretty it up.  I had some leftover burlap lace ribbon from the Dollar Tree and's my recycled pretty glass jar holding some fresh rosemary from our garden.
Rosemary smells divine this time of year...actually year round for us here in Arizona.  It's also one of the most aromatic and tastiest herb added to just about any type of roast...chicken, lamb or pork...yummy yum!
The vintage daisy napkin was a gift from a swap I participated couple of years ago.  The Easter Egg tablecloth I found at a garage sale or thrift store (can't remember now), but I think this is the first year I'm finally using it on our kitchen table.  It was a nice surprise re-discovering it this year!
Every time a little cool breeze blew in from the opened window, the freshly cut rosemary scent wafted throughout the house,
Spring is definitely here!


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