Old-Fashioned Meat Market
One of the things Hubby and I enjoy while in Minnesota for the summer, is going to Hackenmueller's Meat Market in Robinsdale, MN.
In our opinion it's one of the best shops locally. Their meats are fresh and of the best quality.
I love walking into this shop and I feel like I have walked back in time (childhood memories).
Hubby getting his headcheese order in. My Dad and Tom share a like for this delicacy, which I will never acquire!

The prices are comparable to the grocery store, but in my opinion you cannot beat the quality and service this place provides.
When we are done with our shopping at Hackenmueller's, we then walk over to the bakery shop for fresh bread. There's a hardware store, drugstore, and so many other shops that we can easily accomplish all of our errands in one trip alone.