Spring Is In The Air & A Day In My Life

~Complete Randomness~
Spring in the Arizona Desert it's absolutely gorgeous!
Just about everything is in bloom and the colors are just bright and cheerful, and the weather is perfect.  Makes you open up your windows and doors in your home to air it out, and bring in the nice cool breeze and the scent of blooming flowers and citrus trees … and I just can't help myself doing this.
Spring in the Valley inevitably brings pollen which affects a lot of people here; and I'm one of them.  Needless to say I feel miserable today.
I woke up with a sore throat, headache, stuffy & runny nose, … in other words I'm suffering from hay fever.
I have taken my Allegra and my most favorite remedy for a stuffy nose is this essential oil from Young Living called Breathe Again.  I swear it really works and fast.  I'm breathing through my nose again … relief!

I promise the following picture is nasty and this is what we had to deal with yesterday.  The weather was in the 70's, cool and windy; which really did me in.
The plumber finally showed up yesterday to fix this nasty plumbing issue; and he was here all day!
Apparently when our houses were built in our community, galvanized steel was used for plumbing.  Yup...with time is has finally rusted and corroded and we were experiencing water stoppage in the kitchen sink and laundry room.
Another interesting thing about plumbing in AZ homes is that is buried under your home floor.  So this sewer line runs from one end of the house to the other and connects with the bathrooms plumbing, and then it finally drains out to wherever it goes.  As you can tell I'm very knowledgeable and conversant in plumbing issues.  All I care to know is that water drains to where it's suppose to go …  period.
So a big hole had to be jack hammered in the adjoined walk- in-closet to the main bathroom to get to the "problem".  Jake the Plumber was all done and finally left close to 7:00 pm last night.
Due to this, the front door to our home was wide opened for most of the day, so that Jake the Plumber could go back and forth to his working van; which is the reason I feel so miserable today.  The good thing is that now we can do laundry, run the dishwasher and all sorts of other required stuff.
I'm praying that this house repair will be the last one for a long time.  I'm getting super tired of having home issues!

The following pictures are just a few peeks as to what Hubby and I do on a stay-at-home routine:
Hubby can finally read thanks to his successful cataract surgery!!!
WSJ in the mornings, and later he is catching up with one of his favorite book author Lee Child.
I'm currently trying to organize my new craft room; which is a complete mess, and can't start working on my Easter cards.  I'll be honest, lately I get distracted so easily.  I start doing something, and then I focus on something else just like that; specifically if it's better than cleaning.  I'm not going to stress about it for now.
 I usually cross stitched mostly in the evening while watching TV with the Hubbs.  
I learned that watching foreign films with subtitles is not a good plan to cross stitch along; and I learned the hard way!  I miscounted my stitches by 3, and I discovered this when I was half-way down.
I only had one choice: ripped it all and start all over again.
Not fun!!!
My new toy and I love it!!!
Yes … I'm weird, but I love new home cleaners that actually work and are easy to use!
I don't like to mop, but this new mop contraption works like a charm.  No wet hands and it really cleans our floors.  I highly recommend it!!!
Lately Hubby and I have fallen into a rut deciding what to have for dinner.  Even going out to dinner has not been satisfying.  We are tired of salmon, tuna, pork, chicken, … 
I'm constantly saving recipes to try out.  I can't remember who shared this recipe, but it sounds so yummy … fattening but satisfying.  Sometime next week, I'll make a point of preparing it for one of our meals.
Lastly, I treated myself to a home pedicure.  It is now flip flop season, and feet must look as pretty as can be.
It was so nice soaking my feet in hot water with Epsom Salts for as long as I wanted.  I noticed that when I have been getting pedis at my local salons, no long soaking feet time is provided.  I have decided that it was time to simply do them myself.  If in the future I need help with trimming my nails or nail polish, I'll go back to the salon and have it done; but for now I can do feet soaking by myself.
I'm really not a high maintenance chick … really!!!
~Complete Randomness~


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