Cross-Stitching & Recouping

My lower back has been aching since last Saturday, but the good thing is that the constant sharp throbbing pain is gone.
The not so good news is that I'm not able to bend, move or do much, or else I get a sharp lower back pain.  I feel better though, I just need to take it easy and rest.  That's the problem with me, I can't just sit and do nothing!!!
The minute I start feeling better, up I go and start doing things. What's wrong with me???

Well … I decided that I would find something to do while I sit and rest.  I went through my "cross stitch basket to work on projects" and dusted off this little cross stitch cardinal to work on.  It has been a long time since I last cross stitched, and I sure can feel how rusty I am.
I will make sure to slap on a pain free patch on my lower back, sit on my Lazy Boy Chair, put my feet up, drink my coffee or hot tea and cross stitch the day away.
I'll just have to rely on Hubby to help out around the house; and for dinner will have Chinese food delivery.
I can do this!!!


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